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About us



Our site was created by a group of enthusiasts wanting to enrich the Internet with quality base of links sorted by groups and activities, for personal and later needs of others, and in lack of sites with similar contents and conception. By these activities we wanted to partially neutralize lack of large world search engines and offer clearly visible and rich list of links that will assist anyone to easily and simply find what they want without redundant searching. In lack of quality sites with similar contents it was also our intention to effect development of national Internet, communications and present the world with our economy, culture, language and stimulate contacts between all economy participants and people from all countries.

Our current work tends in particular to promote interesting and authentic useful sites for as wider social groups as possible and sites with cultural and educational and humanitarian contents. We make an effort that our database doesn’t contain sites with illegal contents, immoral, sites promoting violence and intolerance, and with through their contents we want to promote all positive things offered by the Internet and modern technological development which is to be in function of humanity.

In previous period we’ve done so much on redesign of our site, graphic improvement, presenting links in detail and their quality description. Inactive links are periodically deleted, and the ones connected as often as possible.

Now, we have 452,100 links in our database and the categories with the most links are:
Hotels, tourism (325.300 links), News, Universities, Medical equipment, Music, Associations, Foundations, Catering, Senior living, Real estate, Golf... 
More soon!

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